If you see this logo at the product page, we will return you money if you do not satisfied with the product. This works for almost all of our software.
But if there is no Money Back Guarantie logo shown, refund or return is not possible. We do not offer refunds on software where the registration key code has already been sent to the customer. Before deciding to purchase our software, please be sure to download, install, and test-drive the evaluation versions that we provide.
We go to great lengths to produce a trial version with which customers can ensure their satisfaction and system compatibility. This allows our customers to make an informed purchasing decision. Once that purchase has been made, we do not offer a cash refund or an exchange. We feel this policy is consistent with the major software retailers worldwide.Unlike physical goods, electronically distributed software and software licenses can be duplicated.
Once a license has been issued, it is unfortunately not possible for us to recall all copies.Therefore, SoftOrbits does not accept product returns or exchanges. You are expected to be satisfied with the product before purchasing. There is NO EXCEPTION from this policy.